

This is the time of year when I start making lots of BIG plans. Things I want to accomplish over the upcoming year, lifestyle changes, etc.

I don't think I'm the only one who does this....
............am I?

Aside from the beginning of a new year....I am about to celebrate the first anniversary of my 39th birthday.
Surely, that doesn't have anything to do with it either.......


Of course it doesn't.

Anyhow, I've started gathering my ideas, I've bought a new planner (I LOVE new planners)

and over the next few days, a plan shall be formulated.

(Much to the chagrin of my husband....he is so NOT into this kind of thing)

Most of my ideas revolve around organizing and decluttering the house, re-thinking my wardrobe, streamlining our finances, getting healthier, building up my handmade accessories business, and more organizing.

Since it's 2012, I've stuck to my top 12 ideas/projects...that'll be one per month. Nifty, huh? :) 
I've got some short and long-term goals, so each month I will begin 1 idea.

Here's the list (in no particular order)...check out the links in there...that's where the inspiration is coming from
  1. Working through A Bowl Full of Lemons' Weekly Challenges
  2. Tracking my food and exercise daily - lose some weight
  3. Play golf. Regularly. Or at least go to the driving range once a week.
  4. Build a capsule wardrobe for Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer
  5. Plan our container garden and our flower planters for spring
  6. Build in more time to be creative
  7. Create our budget for this year
  8. Sell our condo....I don't have much control over this, but we need to make it happen this year.
  9. Research our next house (buy one one or build one? where? how?)
  10. Back up my laptop once a month (I need to just set a recurring date and do it!)
  11. Plan meals consistently and cook more
  12. Schedule time off work...through the whole year. Figure out if/when/where we'll travel, holidays, etc.
What kind of plans (or resolutions) have you made for the new year?

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